Changing jobs is one of the most complex processes that a professional has to face in their working life. This does not necessarily mean starting from being unemployed, since you may want to migrate to another position within the same company or perhaps proactively want to change to another company.

Our experience managing recruitment processes has led us to define some very useful premises. They are very logical starting points and that people forget at the moment to make a work transition.

Why do they forget the most logical? There is a reason why people forget what is obvious, and that is that the moment we face it, what is known as a “mental distortion” is triggered, and that blocks us, we feel over worried, pessimistic and sometimes paralyzed.

For this reason, we recommend considering 6 key premises:

1-This is not an event; it is a process.

The job transition is not an event, it is a process; And when we see an event as a process and not as an event, then we already see it in a context of time, we no longer see it as an instant but as a broader context. With steps, actions, etc. The job transition can take approximately between 3 to 5 months depending on the level at which you are, as well as other factors.

Therefore, if you are starting your job search today, it is likely that in 5 months you will have a job. If you get the job before 5 months, then two things happen; Either you had a very good strategy with a luck component or you rushed to make a wrong decision.

If you get it in more than 5 months, then you either did not organize well with the job search process or you were unlucky.

Seeing this transition as a process, we acknowledge there must be milestones that must be met, there must be a beginning, there must be an end to the transition, and obviously in a process there are ups and downs.

From the point of view of the human and emotional perspective, this process is a roller coaster of emotions, which can trigger some things that facilitate or enable and others that can inhibit or hinder what can be a fluid transition process.

2-Looking for a job is a job.

If I am looking for a job, I need to dedicate time to it, invest energy. You need to start early, document your progress, and adjust your strategy to make progress. It is a project.

3- It is the opportunity to adjust the professional compass

If we look at it from a positive point of view – as it actually ends up being -, once we have done an analysis over time, the job transition is an extraordinary opportunity to adjust the professional compass.

One of the main mistakes we see in managers or talents or leaders when transitioning to work is putting too much stress on it, that “I have to get a job” in a certain amount of time.

The most important measuring instrument in the job search is not the watch, it is the compass.

It is not knowing how long it takes for me to get a job, but where I direct my professional destiny and how I make sure that this professional destiny is maximizing my competencies, my skills, my attitudes and the workplace is taking me where I financially, socially, and intellectually strive to be.

4-Without a professional network, there is no CV to roll.

Many are focused on building their resume and summarize very well on social media. I particularly think that there is an excessive morbidity around the curriculum.

Without a professional network, there is no resume to roll. Why do we build a fast car if we don’t have a highway, much less a highway to put it in circulation?

Instead of editing your resume 75 times, think about 75 people who could help you in your professional network in looking for a job.

One in six jobs is obtained by someone you currently know; ten out of ten jobs are obtained by someone or how well you know or someone who knows an acquaintance of yours.

5-Understand what your value proposition is.

Our value proposition is the mix of knowledge, experiences, skills and attitudes that we effectively bring to the table. What is that octane that moves us and makes us effective and what are the accumulating product of the previous positions?

What are those skills that I have to manage projects, to lead teams, to create entrepreneurship, to do financial analysis, etc. And what are the attitudes that stand out in my way of behaving, from empathy, communication, etc.

The value proposition is mine, it is that unique proposition that belongs to me and that I am going to feel comfortable with, not only communicating but also honoring it the moment I get a job.

6-Without a good narrative, there is no story.

Finally, without a good narrative there is no story that is worth it. You can have a good value proposition, you can have a good story to tell a potential employer, but if you don’t structure it as a powerful “elevator pitch” then it’s not going to reach anyone.

It is not the same to have participated in four construction projects in the energy sector and say: “I have been working on several wind tower projects, in the company as such.”

It is very different when they hear you say: “I was the one who led the most important solar project in recent years, and which allowed us to transform the energy matrix of that country. Likewise, the knowledge that I acquired and the experiences that I had confirmed a passion to work in the energy sector and based on that I know how to handle projects, complex equipment and implementations of high capital investments.”

A value proposition, with a good narrative, will undoubtedly support your job transition process.

Wiston Uzcátegui

Wiston Uzcátegui, representative of Panama in Familias Empresarias Iberoamericanas (FEI), is executive director of Valor Humano Latin America, a pioneering firm in the transformation and organizational management of family businesses. With 30 years of experience as a manager, executive, entrepreneur and consultant, Wiston has been a benchmark in the development of capabilities for organizational management in family businesses. Recognized organizational coach, his client history includes large family groups in the USA, Europe and Latin America. Member of Boards of Directors of companies in Panama, Guatemala and Costa Rica. Counselor delegate of the Latin American Institute of Family Business